The end of the year is near - are you down for a goal setting challenge? Lets finish out the year strong with knocking out some goals!
First, we should reflect on this year and think about all of the wonderful things we accomplished. Were there any unexpected lessons you learned this year? Is there anything you would have done differently so you know not to do that same thing next year?
Check out my list of goals you can accomplish by the end of this year and see which ones need to be checked off your list.
1) Update your resume
I legit just did this! I realized I haven't updated my resume and LinkedIn since last year and just in that short amount of time, things have changed for me and some updates were needed. It's always good to keep your resume, portfolio and professional sites updated and polished because you just never know when the perfect opportunity might come around and you'll need to be ready!
2) Organize and clean
Clean out and organize that closet, sock drawer, garage or whatever project you've been pushing to the side. I tend to set an entire cleaning day to the side from time to time where I dedicate most of the day (with breaks in between) to cleaning and getting ish down within the house. If you can't give up an entire day in your busy schedule, then set aside an hour or two, and I guarantee you'll be happy with the progress you make.3) Get to that hobby/personal goal!
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4) Check up on family and friends
We all have busy schedules and sometimes time can slip away from us. We may think: "oh, I forgot to call so and so... I'll call them tomorrow!" ... and then tomorrow turns into next week, next week turns into next month, and so on. Put some time to the side to catch up with your loved ones. Not only will they feel better after knowing you checked up on them, but you'll feel better knowing that you're keeping in touch with the people who matter to you the most.
5) Give back
Do you have old clothes piling up in your house? Don't just throw them out, donate them to Goodwill, The Salvation Army, or any other charity of your choice. Feel free to start your own charity to give back to those in need or contribute to someone's GoFundMe, give a helping hand to someone in need, pay it forward, volunteer in your local community or to a cause that you're passionate about, etc. Remember, giving back benefits everyone!6) Update your social media accounts
When is the last time you checked those privacy settings on Facebook? When is the last time you've updated your LinkedIn? If you can't even remember the answer to that, then you may want to check that out now. Privacy settings tend to change on social media. Double check and make sure everything is in order. Check your DM's and inboxes and actually engage and respond back to people on your timeline. Also, it's just as important to clean up your friends list, if need be. Block out toxic people and anyone who you feel doesn't need to be on your page anymore. No bad energy over this way!
7) Relax, self care, repeat
8) Exercise
9) Create a budget and check your credit score
10) Create a plan for next year
I'm always thinking ahead and you should too! Create a list of short and long term goals. Really take the time to think about the personal and professional goals you want to achieve. Write them down and keep your list somewhere handy where you can view it often. This will serve as your reminder to get it done.Find a friend with similar goals and hold each other accountable on reaching those set goals. I know whenever I write things down and speak it into existence, the goals get accomplished!
What are some of the goals that you
really want to accomplish next year?
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