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Janet Jackson slays the Billboard Music Awards stage and accepts Icon Award

Photo credit: Kevin Mazur/Wire Image 
The legendary Janet Jackson graced the Billboard Music Awards stage on Sunday night (May 20) in Las Vegas where she receive the prestigious Icon Award. This moment was her first television performance in nine years. And, Janet is the first woman of color to receive the award. 

Janet has a career spanning FOUR decades with many record-breaking accomplishments. While at the BBMA's, she performed a brief medley of some of her hit songs, including "Nasty," "Rhythm Nation" and "Throb" (my all-time favorite workout song).

Bruno Mars introduced Janet and ran down her resume onstage and I was like: Yassssss! Let them know!

Janet then accepted the award and gave a moving speech while her mom, Katherine Jackson and her older sister, Rebbie, sat front and center.

While giving her speech, Janet referenced the #MeToo movement and said, "It's a moment where at long last, women have made it clear that we will no longer be controlled, manipulated or abused. I stand with those women and with those men equally outraged by discrimination who support us in heart and mind."

Watch Janet's performance and her acceptance speech below:

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