Gabourey Sidibe is getting skintyyy!
The 33-year-old actress - who is known from her breakout role in the 2009 film Precious and her current role as Becky on the current FOX hit show Empire - has noticeably been losing weight and flaunting her new bawdy on Instagram for the last couple of months.

Gabourey posted a mirror selfie to Instagram on Friday, showcasing her smaller figure.
"I used to hate mirror selfies," she captioned the photo below. "Now I do them everyday. I'm just too black and fine! I can't help it!
Gabourey first opened up in 2009 to Oprah Winfrey about her weight struggle and body confidence:
"My first diet started when I was six-years-old. I've never been a small girl," she revealed.
"One day, I had to sit down with myself and decided that I loved myself no matter what my body looked like and what other people thought about my body. I got tired of feeling bad all the time. I got tired of hating myself."
Well, as someone who has previously lost 30 pounds, I know firsthand what it's like to go through the process of losing a huge amount of weight, and Gabourey is certainly doing an amazing job, her confidence is through the roof, and she is looking fabulous!
You go, girl!
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