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10 Top New Year's Resolutions for 2017

Happy New Year, OooLaLaFam! 

Thank you for rocking with me another year, clicking on and reading my stories, following me on social media, watching my videos and all that! I truly appreciate everyone who takes the time to visit my website and read my posts, so thank you!

I started this blog on Jan. 1, 2011 and I'm excited that my entertainment website, Ooooooo La La! is celebrating six years and I look forward to this next chapter!

As some of you may know, I'm not the biggest fan of New Year's resolutions. As I always say, we have all year to change habits, make ourselves better, etc. But, hey, if waiting for January 1st is what it takes for some people to make things happen, then by all means, make those resolutions! And, stick to them!

Here are the top New Year resolutions, according to a recent survey of 2,000 people:

1. Diet or eat healthier (71%)
2. Exercise more (65%)
3. Lose weight (54%)
4. Save more and spend less (32%)
5. Learn a new skill or hobby (26%)
6. Quit smoking (21%)
7. Read more (17%)
8. Find another job (16%)
9. Drink less alcohol (15%)
10. Spend more time with family and friends (13%)

What do you look forward to 
improving this year?

(Source: Inc.)
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