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How Old is Too Old to Breast-Feed a Child? 'Time' Magazine's Cover & 'SNL' Pokes Fun at it

The May issue of Time magazine's "Are You Mom Enough?" is drawing up a lot of controversy for its cover photo which shows a 3-year-old boy attached to his mothers nipple. This cover is part of Time's parenting article on attachment parenting, how old is too old to breast feed?

Now, another mother, Katie Hamilton has stepped up to the plate to defend Time's cover. Katie said Time's cover was to sell magazines. In the video below, she discusses attachment parenting and says she loves that it's in the news.

"... it keeps their baby healthy and happy," she says.

Katie breast feeds her 21-month-year-old daughter. According to the Huffington Post, Katie believes mothers should decide how long they want to breast-feed their children, not society.

Saturday Night Live created a humorous skit about the breast-feeding cover in its "Weekend Update" segment with Seth Meyers, watch below:
