Neither Michelle nor Kelly Rowland, Beyonce's other band-mate, tweeted about Beyonce's little bundle of joy.
I guess some people got mad that Michelle said nothing on her twitter about the recent birth of Blue Ivy.
As previously posted, other celebs like; Russell Simmons, Rihanna and Gwyneth Paltrow tweeted their congrats to Bey and Jay.
A random person blasted Michelle and tweeted:
Michelle retweeted this on her page and said "unbelievable" at the end of the re-tweet then responded with a series of her own tweets:
"Let's get ONE thing straight....I do NOT have to say congrats to someone when they're NOT on twitter...ESPECIALLY when I talk or email them all the time....or when I'll be physically present as well...so harrassing and stalking my timeline to see if I've mentioned something is POINTLESS!!! My friendship with people aren't always for twitter display. Respect that and get a LIFE!!! Enjoy this FINE day!!! God bless!!!! "
This is a beautiful, precious, private time between two people and excitement is to be expected but NOT disrespect! #churchdismissed
The person who tweeted Michelle also said this after Michelle's response:
tysandsnyc tyrese sanders
tysandsnyc tyrese sanders
But I hope this convo I had with Michelle Williams ends up on Bossip. All the gay were talking about it from what I see.
This person obviously just wanted some attention...and they got it.
I think it is funny that Beyonce has never tweeted on her verified page, yet she has over two million followers and she has trended a lot lately.
Some people need to be checked once in awhile when they feel as if they can disrespect anybody and Michelle did just that...she checked that person, with class and with style, and ended with a "God bless!"
In the video below, Michelle speaks about Blue Ivy and how she better be talented!
Omg this is so true! Like people act like if you don't acknowledge others birthdays and such on facebook, twitter, or your bbm status that you are the devil. Like maybe I prefer to text them or give them a call. Especially with Twitter and facebook where you can get sooooo many messages in that 1 day, you may not even see them all. I used to get pages upon pages of "Happy Birthday" messages on facebook and you just have to say "Thanks Everyone" because I can't and WON'T respond to each and every person on there. People take social networking sites way too seriously.
ReplyDeleteExactly! I remember when a fan criticized and went in on Jennifer Hudson about her weight then everyone got shocked when Jennifer actually responded and got all hood. Like celebs are people too so be prepared for comments