Braxton Family Values: Traci Makes a Career Decision, Tamar is Still Extra and Towanda Tells Her Husband to Get a Job
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"A lot of tension has risen between me and my sister because of new found fame," Toni said.
Toni and her kids made the move to Los Angeles so she can be closer to her career and her doctors. She said her bankruptcy situation worked out great for her and she is temporarily living in a gorgeous house.
Towanda is hoping the momentum of their reality show helps her with her acting career so she doesn't have to be Toni's assistant anymore.
Last season we saw Towanda and her husband Andre having some marriage issues and now they are officially seperated. They are however living with Trina and her husband Gabe. Gabe is not happy with Towanda and her family living with them. He's also not feeling Trina always working with her band. Since season 1, Trina has been working on her own material.

While Traci is trying to figure out a career path, she is very much looking forward to making an album with her sisters but Tamar may be too busy.
Tamar makes it clear that her number one priority in life at the moment is her. And Tamar and Vince still beef from time to time over her music career.
This week the sisters meet up and the Braxton Family album is still up in the air. Tamar announces that she is going to record her long awaited album. Vince will be her executive producer and Traci is hurt, thinking that her sisters gave her false hope on possibly doing an album with them. Traci now feels like she has no clarity in her future.
Toni asked Towanda to move out to Los Angeles for a little so Towanda can train her new assistant. Towanda decides to move out their right away, but her husband Andre doesn't like the idea of her leaving.
"It's like sex with a prostitute...bam, you're up and out," Andre said. "Towanda loves her sisters dearly, she needs to give that up and come satisfy some of my needs."
Traci makes a career decision and tells her sisters she's going back to cosmetology school to open up her own salon in Maryland. This leaves mixed reactions in her sister minds because they all thought Traci wanted to sing. Traci then tells her sister that she would like them to invest in her business and Tamar is not having it.
"I'm not the biggest fan of Traci opening up her salon in Maryland, but I definitely wish her the best of luck...just not with my money," Tamar said.
Towards the end of the show the family all comes together to cook a dinner at Toni's house. Towanda gets annoyed that she has to do all the food shopping and chores. She makes it clear that she is not the family assistant.
But, Toni reels in Towanda again, this time as a temporary assistant. So Towanda is going to make the move to help Toni out again. I think she likes being Toni's assistant so I don't know why she is always complaining about it.
So far I'm not too interested in season 2 of Braxton Family Values, maybe the show will pick up and entertain me better. And I'm tired of Tamar's diva moments in the studio. Like shutup Tamar, you have it made, be happy.
My favorite line in the second episode came from Mama Evelyn when she to Tamar, "the next time you disrespect me I'ma slap the piss out of you."
Lol. That was hilarious. Tamar is a bit annoying sometimes so she needed that.
What do you think of the second season so far?
Tamar is all the way over the top ... little miss too much.
ReplyDeleteI think that Towanda likes being Toni's assistant too. Maybe that's why she keeps Andre around. He's a consistently available and proven to be reliable babysitter.
I really feel for Traci. She just does not fit in with her family at all.
So I just noticed it is Traci with an "I" not a "Y" lol, I just fixed that.
ReplyDeleteAnd yes, I agree she doesn't fit in at all. Traci is very dependent on her sisters and relying on them to get back into the music industry. I'm glad that she at least decided to make a move on her own and go into cosmetology.
And Towanda's husband as a babysitter! Hahahaa, so true!
I like the show, love all the GLAM. I'm not use to seeing that on tv in large doses. Six beautiful, opinionated, individual, out spoken, glamorios black women on tv, get out . Now when I look at other reality shows without the color, I just think there so lacking. So good job girls representing, especially when the youngest is 34. I think Tamar is talented,, but she is talented rather it's acting, singing, or DJing. Not sure how Vince deals with her, but she's great. I am starting to see Toni as a big baby though. Maybe a bit whinning at times. Tamar is not jealous, she just wants her shot. And yes she loves her husband and respects him, she's just a spoiled baby of the bunch brat.
ReplyDeleteTamar might be getting her own show too!