Basketball Wives L.A Finale: The Ladies Are Done with Jackie, Gloria and Matt Split & Kimsha Returns For a Hot Second
The ladies are back from Hawaii and Imani said they are getting along great with Jackie not being included in the mix. They figured out Jackie's game plan and Laura says she got a call from someone who is really close to Jackie who said they are all in for it.
Malaysia said Jackie called her saying she wants to meet with everybody and apologize. Imani said no thanks and Laura said she would not talk to Jackie ever again in real life.
Jackie talks Kimsha's ear off about the Hawaii trip and the other ladies. Jackie goes on and on and on and Kimsha's facial expression is so funny as she just stands back and listens to Jackie's gossip.
Last weeks recap: Jackie's BS and Gossiping Ways All Come Back to Her
"I don't want to listen to what anybody said, ya'll grown women and ya'll need to come back together. I'm tired of seeing women fighting," Kimsha said. "Yea, I don't have time for the drama."
Where was Kimsha for this season! I think things would have been totally different if she stayed on the show.
Gloria meets up with her sister Lauren and talks about her relationsip with Matt and basically said she needs space to analyze things and where she wants to be.
Gloria also meets up with a therapist about her relationship with Matt. She continues to say she needs space and her life has been all about Matt.
Gloria said she had an epiphany when her and Matt joined Jackie and Doug for dinner in a previous episode. Matt told them now he realizes he has a good woman and wants to settle down and Gloria is like oh so now he's ready.
The therapist asked Gloria if she still wants to stay with Matt. Gloria said she isn't closing the door, but she just needs her space to figure things out on her own. She said her and Matt's lease is up soon on their house and she is looking for her own place. She said her and Matt decided to do sort of a trial seperation and both will take turns with spending time with the kids.
"I'm leaving a lot of money per month, so one of those butt cheeks is mine," Matt tells Gloria.
Laura later reveals to the rest of the ladies that she will be moving to Orlando, Florida so her kids can be closer to their father. Imani and Gloria plan Laura's birthday party before she leaves and Gloria makes it clear that Jackie is not invited.
"I think at this point Jackie has become the running joke," Gloria said.
Jackie works on her fashion line to take her mind off the rest of the ladies. Kimsha shows up during Jackie's photo shoot and right away, Jackie starts talking about the drama.
"I can't believe it, it's like a bad dream," Jackie tells Kimsha about her falling out with the ladies.
Like give it a rest already Jackie, geeez. She is portrayed on the show as constantly bringing up the drama 24/7, there has to be plenty of others things to talk about.
"Jackie doesn't get it. I'm not picking up none of your phone calls and I'm not listening to anything you have to say right now," Draya said.
Draya said her and the rest of the ladies have to do something about Jackie.
At the end of the finale Jackie is in the hot seat as all the ladies meet up with her to give her one last chance. But things don't go as planned and take a quick turn as Jackie starts running the show.
"I'm not a shit starter but I'm a sh*t finisher," Jackie tells the rest of the ladies.
The ladies come up with lists of the crap Jackie started between them. Jackie just wanted the ladies to admit the crap they said about each other and to her and she says the ladies are lying because they aren't willing to put the truth on the table.
Jackie doesn't apologize, she doesn't admit to anything and Gloria calls her the common denominator in all the drama starting.
The meeting ends, the ladies get up from the table and leave Jackie by herself. Nothing gets resolved.
"We're done with you, today is your funeral, you're dead to us," Draya said about the Jackie situation.
Tune in next week! The ladies all reunite to discuss the drama of this season during the reunion. What did you think of Basketball Wives L.A. and the finale show?
Malaysia said Jackie called her saying she wants to meet with everybody and apologize. Imani said no thanks and Laura said she would not talk to Jackie ever again in real life.
Kimsha explains her absence on the show by saying she has been out of Los Angeles and traveling around. Sureee. I believe it was more than that with all the rumors that were going around about her absence.
Producers Say Kimsha Artest Stopped Filming--That's Why She's Been M.I.A.
Producers Say Kimsha Artest Stopped Filming--That's Why She's Been M.I.A.
Last weeks recap: Jackie's BS and Gossiping Ways All Come Back to Her
"I don't want to listen to what anybody said, ya'll grown women and ya'll need to come back together. I'm tired of seeing women fighting," Kimsha said. "Yea, I don't have time for the drama."
Where was Kimsha for this season! I think things would have been totally different if she stayed on the show.

Now Gloria feels like she's the one who is not ready to settle down.
Gloria also meets up with a therapist about her relationship with Matt. She continues to say she needs space and her life has been all about Matt.
Gloria said she had an epiphany when her and Matt joined Jackie and Doug for dinner in a previous episode. Matt told them now he realizes he has a good woman and wants to settle down and Gloria is like oh so now he's ready.
The therapist asked Gloria if she still wants to stay with Matt. Gloria said she isn't closing the door, but she just needs her space to figure things out on her own. She said her and Matt's lease is up soon on their house and she is looking for her own place. She said her and Matt decided to do sort of a trial seperation and both will take turns with spending time with the kids.
Gloria meets up with Imani and said she is excited to move on and she has her own place now. Gloria seems so calm and collected about her and Matt's seperation, I'm like why is she so cool about this now?
The Reunion Show News and Gloria Govan & Matt Barnes Split
The Reunion Show News and Gloria Govan & Matt Barnes Split
Later on, Matt and Gloria pack up and move out their house to go their seperate ways for now. Matt says he knows what he wants and maybe he realized that too late.
Laura later reveals to the rest of the ladies that she will be moving to Orlando, Florida so her kids can be closer to their father. Imani and Gloria plan Laura's birthday party before she leaves and Gloria makes it clear that Jackie is not invited.
"I think at this point Jackie has become the running joke," Gloria said.
Jackie works on her fashion line to take her mind off the rest of the ladies. Kimsha shows up during Jackie's photo shoot and right away, Jackie starts talking about the drama.
"I can't believe it, it's like a bad dream," Jackie tells Kimsha about her falling out with the ladies.
Like give it a rest already Jackie, geeez. She is portrayed on the show as constantly bringing up the drama 24/7, there has to be plenty of others things to talk about.
Draya meets with Imani and the two reveal that they have been receiving numerous block calls and they believe it is from Jackie.
"Jackie doesn't get it. I'm not picking up none of your phone calls and I'm not listening to anything you have to say right now," Draya said.
Draya said her and the rest of the ladies have to do something about Jackie.
At the end of the finale Jackie is in the hot seat as all the ladies meet up with her to give her one last chance. But things don't go as planned and take a quick turn as Jackie starts running the show.
"I'm not a shit starter but I'm a sh*t finisher," Jackie tells the rest of the ladies.
The ladies come up with lists of the crap Jackie started between them. Jackie just wanted the ladies to admit the crap they said about each other and to her and she says the ladies are lying because they aren't willing to put the truth on the table.
Jackie doesn't apologize, she doesn't admit to anything and Gloria calls her the common denominator in all the drama starting.
The meeting ends, the ladies get up from the table and leave Jackie by herself. Nothing gets resolved.
"We're done with you, today is your funeral, you're dead to us," Draya said about the Jackie situation.
Tune in next week! The ladies all reunite to discuss the drama of this season during the reunion. What did you think of Basketball Wives L.A. and the finale show?
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