- Listen to what she's talking about and engage her in conversation
- Hold her hand
- Compliments, compliments, compliments!
- Grab and hug her tight, it makes a woman feel protected
- Sing, dance, strip for her, even if your moves suck and your voice isn't the best, the effort counts
- Be there for her supportively to say everything will be ok
- Buy roses or flowers. Not just on anniversaries but just because
- Remember not only big anniversaries but "The Firsts" i.e. (The first time you told her "I love you", the first time you kissed her, etc.)
- Surprise her with a massage without her having to ask for one
- Ask her how her day was
- Write a love letter or email (yes people still write letters)
- Cook or attempt to
- Have a cute, special name for her and call her that sometimes
- Plan a romantic evening
- Have a sense of humor and keep her laughing
"Simple I'm thinking of you stuff, like the hello how r u doing text or call. Planning a night out or in I like the simple things nothing elaborate."
"Hold the door for me. My ex would not let me walk on the outside I always walked away from the street he said so in case something happened he could protect me."
"Listen, comfort, understand."
- Feel free to add on to the list in the 'Share Your Thoughts!' section below
Omg yes! I promise the one thing my ex used to do that I loved was just hug me for no reason. Like everything doesn't have to be sexual. A simple embrace can mean the world, especially when you had a bad day or are feeling down and they don't even know they just made you feel a lot better.