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Celebrities Don't want to be Linked to Gadhafi concert link

"Since the uprising in Libya, attention has focused on entertainers paid by the Gadhafi family for private concerts." - Associated Press

Many celebs are shocked and some even embarrased that they are linked to Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi's family by doing private concerts connected to them. So these celebs are donating the money they made to charities.

Mariah Carey claims to not know who she was performing for at the time.

Usher appeared at a private concert, didn't perform and got paid, according to the Associated Press. His donation "will support the urgent work to counter the brutal conditions like those imposed by Gadhafi and other leaders across the Middle East."

Other celebrities linked to this are Nelly Furtado and Beyonce. The latest now is 50 Cent:
